Recently many volunteers have been distressed by the empty shelves in the PCC Food Pantry. They have been even more alarmed at how fast the food donations and purchased foods disappear from the pantry shelves into food orders.
Several things are at play here. With the official ending of the pandemic, emergency funding that was available to the community is being curtailed or scaled back. This means less resources for both our clients, the PCC as well as for Feeding Southwest Virginia and other service providers in this area.
The second factor to consider is the pre-pandemic inventory cycle for the PCC Food Pantry. This cycle has traditionally seen lower food levels in early Fall which are replenished once the seasonal Fall food donations arrive. Then comes the Holiday Giving Season which carries us into the New Year. Supplementing the seasonal food drives are the ongoing Hunger Busters that round out the inventory until the next seasonal events in the Spring.
The sparse pantry shelves do provide a certain level of anxiety but when viewed from the lens of “normal” activity this cycle is to be expected. We are on course to weather these few bleak weeks until the Trick or Treat So Others May Eat donations arrive. The one thing that is most definitely certain…the PCC remains thankful for each church, each organization and everyone who has stepped up and who continues to step up when the need arises.
-Cheryl Poe, Director of Volunteer Services
