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Cheryl Poe

Changing Lives

While unloading her trunk full of food for the PCC Food Pantry, an anonymous donor commented, “I know you are changing lives.” Over the years, this same expression has been shared by many who have personally been helped at the PCC or by those who have known someone who escaped an escalating crisis of utility cutoffs or home eviction or hunger by assistance received at the Presbyterian Community Center’s Emergency Services. Not only is it comforting to know that the PCC mission and services provide for just these situations, but it is especially reaffirming to see a community respond; to pay it forward, once they are able, after being helped themselves or through the generosity of those who have an abundance to give.

Lives are being changed…in more ways than are visible in the moment. It may take years but in time the recipient becomes the donor. That is a beautiful transformation.

-Cheryl Poe, Director of Volunteer Services

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